
Femme / 30 ans / Taurus

Elle n'est pas en ligne maintenant. La dernière fois, c'était il y a longtemps.

Quand elle sera en ligne

Trouvez une fille en ligne


NomSofia_vieyra (evie-sapphire)
Taille du busteMoyenne
La taille du culMoyenne
Couleur de cheveuxBrunes
Couleur des yeuxBleus

Sur moi

♥︎ Sofi | 28 ♥︎ Height--170 | Weight--60


♥︎ Eva | 28 ♥︎ Height--170 | Weight--62

♥︎ София | 28 ♥︎ Рост -- 170 | Вес -- 60

♥︎ Ева | 28 ♥︎ Рост -- 170 | Вес -- 62

♥︎ Eva | Ukraine | 27 ♥︎ Height--170 | Weight--62


Особенное отношение мужчины ко мне и хорошие манеры, ум, доброта, щедрость


The special attitude of a man towards me and good manners, mind, kindness, generosity

Je n'aime pas

Impudence, rudeness, requests without tokens, disrespect for my work, empty words and promises. Dick on profile picture. Rudeness, stinginess and lies. Those who offer to go to sk etc. for this immediately ban


Impudence, rudeness, requests without tokens, disrespect for my work, empty words and promises. Dick on profile picture. Rudeness, stinginess and lies. Those who offer to go to *****, etc. for this immediately ban

Impudence, rudeness, requests without tokens, disrespect for my work, empty words and promises. Dick on profile picture. Rudeness, stinginess and lies.

Impudence, rudeness, requests without tokens, disrespect for my work, empty words and promises. Dick on profile picture. Rudeness, stinginess and lies. Those who offer to go to sk etc. for this immediately ban

Impudence, rudeness, requests without tokens, disrespect for my work, empty words and promises. Dick on profile picture. Rudeness, stinginess and lies. Those who offer to go to *****, etc. for this immediately ban

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