
Femme / 24 ans / Virgo / en ligne!

Durée de diffusion, minutes 8

Nombre de téléspectateurs 71


LanguesAnglais, Russe
Taille du bustePetit
La taille du culPetit
Couleur de cheveuxBrunes
Couleur des yeuxMarron

Sur moi

Virtual model💗 I'm not looking for relationships here! Webcam for me is first and foremost about making money! All I can offer you is to have a great time. I respect myself, value my time, and I want the same from you!


Virtual model💗 I'm not looking for relationships here! Webcam for me is first and foremost about making money! All I can offer you is to have a great time. I respect myself, value my time, and I want the same from you!


man who is generous, charismatic, and values the time and attention given to him!


I don’t take off my mask, everything is most frank in private! Cat, having selected an action from the type menu, pay there (joystick icon). I will consider tokens sent to the general chat as a gift ❤

Мужчина щедрый, харизматичный, ценящий время и внимание, уделенные ему!

Нежные поцелуи, массаж, куни, доминация партнера

Gentle kisses, massage, cunnilingus, partner domination

Je n'aime pas

Impertinence (free requests or bargaining), aggression


Наглость (бесплатные просьбы или торг), агрессия

Men who insult girls and don't keep their word.

Мужчины, которые оскорбляют девушек и не держат свое слово. Мне не нравятся понты, мужчина ценен поступками - помни об этом)

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